What to Do If Your Air Conditioner Shuts Off Every Few Minutes

What to Do If Your Air Conditioner Shuts Off Every Few Minutes

Categories—Home Comfort
Sweaty woman whose air conditioner shuts off every few minutes adjusts thermostat.

In the summertime, there’s no question: You need reliable A/C. So if your air conditioner shuts off every few minutes, it can be a real inconvenience. Fortunately, the Bryant® pros at S&R Heating & Cooling are here to help. Below, we explain what could be causing this problem—often called “short-cycling”—and offer a few ways to fix it. Have questions? Call us for service at 651-429-0001.

Check Your Air Filter

If you haven’t changed your air filter recently, it could be clogged with excess dust and dirt. And if the clog is severe enough, your system can’t run, so it shuts down. Compare it to a vacuum that’s full of debris. When there’s nowhere for it to go, the entire operation stops. Luckily, the fix is simple: Replace your air filter. Be sure to check it once a month to prevent serious clogs that could prevent your unit from functioning properly.

Change the Batteries in Your Thermostat

It sounds silly, but sometimes the problem with your air conditioner is with your thermostat, not the unit itself. If the thermostat can’t properly detect the temperature, it will affect how the air conditioner runs. Try changing out the batteries and restarting it to see if that fixes the issue.

Make Sure Nothing Obstructs Your Unit

It’s not uncommon for wind or a storm to blow leaves and other debris into your air conditioner. If there’s too much blockage, the system might not be able to run properly. Check around the A/C to make sure there’s no overgrown shrubbery, litter, or anything else blocking your unit.

Schedule Air Conditioner Maintenance

If you haven’t had maintenance performed on your air conditioner in a while, now is the time to schedule it. Occasionally, dirt and grime can build up in your system, which can prevent it from functioning correctly. Your unit could also be low on refrigerant—a repair that needs to be taken care of by the professionals at S&R Heating.

Call S&R Heating for Repair

If you’ve checked the items above and your system continues to shut off every few minutes, chances are there’s a part that needs to be replaced. S&R Heating can take care of the issue promptly and reliably, bringing your unit back to working order as quickly as possible. Call us when you need air conditioner service at 651-429-0001 or send us a message online.