The Truth About Heat Pump Installation & Tax Credits

The Truth About Heat Pump Installation & Tax Credits

Dealer in red shirt sits down in kitchen with homeowners to discuss heat pump installation.

When it comes to heating your home, a heat pump may be just what you’re looking for. Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, these units utilize heat energy from outdoors to provide you with warmth indoors. The Bryant® pros here at S&R Heating & Cooling specialize in installing these systems. Learn more below—including info on tax credits that may be available to you—then call us at 651-429-0001.

Why You Should Choose a Heat Pump

Heat pumps work by collecting the heat from the air outside your home and transferring it inside to keep you feeling warm and comfortable. They can also serve as air conditioners in the summer, using the same process with cooler air.

So, why choose a heat pump? There are many reasons, but one of the biggest is the energy efficiency of these systems. Because they rely on heat energy from outdoors, they’ll use less energy to operate and help reduce your monthly bills. Using less energy also has a positive environmental impact, lowering your carbon footprint. Heat pumps even help improve indoor air quality and circulation, maintain a comfortable home, and operate quietly.

Plus, these systems work in a variety of climates—and with recent technology, can be a great ally during our Minnesota winters. Some people choose to pair their heat pump with a furnace to maximize comfort and efficiency.

Heat Pump Tax Credits

While heat pumps do have a higher upfront cost than traditional furnaces, you can expect to offset it with energy bill savings as the years go by. On top of that, because your heat pump has energy-saving and environmental benefits, your purchase may qualify for tax credits. The U.S. Department of Energy has a list of clean energy tax credits for consumers that can help you determine if you qualify. To receive your credit, you must fill out this form and include it with your tax return.

Take the Next Steps on Heat Pump Installation

Let the experts at S&R Heating determine if a heat pump is right for your needs. We can also provide recommendations for a traditional furnace if you prefer. Call us for more information today at 651-429-0001—or send us a message online.